SO, the smoker is up and running, up and running and smoking beautifully and did I say I am so impressed with Masterbuilt for their ultimate customer service. Thanks Masterbuilt for doing the right thing rather than the "the paperwork says ... " thing. I'm a customer for life and am still happily recommending everyone else stay a Masterbuilt customer too. Thanks
*UPDATE* 9/18/17
So, the parts they sent didn't work, neither of them. Now, Masterbuilt, rather than replacing the unit, are sending me parts, one part at a time and are having me frankenstein an entire new unit, including saving the door? and racks and swapping control panels.
I AM not a mechanic or comfortable rewiring anything. I am not not not NOT happy.
Time will tell if this turns into a great "in the end they replaced the unit" story OR if we are all jumping ship to a new smoker company.
So, let me tell you a little story, about my day. I had a great experience and I'm making you know about it.
Firstly, I am happy to whine, complain and moan with the best of them when I have bad or questionable service. I am also even happier when I do NOT have to do any of that.
I have to tell you all that recently I had an issue with my beloved Masterbuilt electric smoker. (seriously, I love that thing!!!)

(I can't take a pic of mine, it;s well loved and certainly NOT photo ready anymore hahaha)
Anyway, I contacted the company via twitter and was instantly contacted online then contacted by phone and then they followed up via twitter to be sure I was happy. Well, I AM happy!
The entire issue has been dealt with quickly, professionally, exceptionally, and it exceeded my expectation. The customer service rep was delightful and charming on the phone, I tell you, I cannot sing their praises high enough.
It's easy to moan but I sure don't have to here. If you are in the market for a smoker, seriously look into these Masterbuilt electric smokers. OH and in the spirit of full disclosure, no, they don't pay me and I do NOT get stuff for promoting, this is all me, all my own gushing just because I'm simply tickled with the company.
I'm working on more recipes for the smoker with other meats and actually some veggies, yeah, so watch this space. IF you do buy one, be sure to tell them you saw them here, I want them to know how delighted I am with the customer service and overall experience. I wasn't going to name names but I am, way to shine, Clarence, way to shine.
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