He was away for a month and I spent time in the studio (the dining room in my house, one day I'll have a REAL studio but I digress.....) I spent free mental time in the studio but I also needed instant gratification. I could not face cutting fabric into itty bitty teensie tiny pieces of pieces purely to sew it back together so I played with shape and form and made the whole cloth quilts by adding fabric till they told me they were done. Sort of like how I cook isn't it?
I spent time sewing and cutting and fusing and playing and lo and behold NOW they're in a magazine with my howto and I am tickled and have to yell it from the rooftops.
As I said, I sew and I do art quilts and cut fabric up and then sew it back together, usually while I wait for food to cook. The difference is that THIS month, MY technique for making geometric art quilts is in a magazine.
So, in the spirit of blatant and insane self promotion... I present to you... ME! HAHAHA

Because you WANT to buy the magazine and you can wait, here's the link to the paper edition
IF you can't wait, here's the link to the electronic edition
These are (some of) the actual geometric art quilts
Points, Spin and Corners
Then I thought I should make pieces that look like someTHING rather than shapes so this is what I did
Gladiolas and City
So, this is some of the work I do in the art quilt world.
I also do scribble quilting and some artjournal artquilts but today, we're just talking about, and I'm celebrating, my geometric art quilts.
Thanks for the time, the read and the great support I get from the foodies and the arties.
I appreciate it every.single.day.