AT the moment, I am not going to tell you WHICH roaster I have. As I said, I am hoping to test different brands and offer you a real option as to where to spend your money
I tested with a pork roast. Perfectly juicy. Perfectly tender.
I tested with rolls, they say you can bake in these things. You can!
I tested with muffins and cookies and biscuits. You CAN!
Finally, I tested with a turkey breast, delicious, juicy, tender. I did 30 minutes/lb at 450 then reduced to 325 for another 30. Turned the roaster off. Left it to rest an hour and sliced. Gorgeous.
THEN the main event, 14 lb bird, 1 hour 52 minutes. Juicy, tender, delicious, tender. Best gravy made from the turkey juices. Wow. After the holiday I'll write out long winded details so you can do this for Christmas. BUT this is how I did it this time: PREHEAT roaster to 450PREP the turkey, dry it, salt, pepper, sage, poultry seasoning (just a bit) inside and out.PUT a carrot, onion and celery and the neck in a foil pan. PUT on a rack in the preheated roaster.DRIZZLE olive oil on the bird and add about a cup of water to the hot roaster, around the foil pan. ROAST at high temperature for 45 minutes. Do not open the lid.REDUCE temperature to 325, leave to do it's thing for a total of 8 minutes per pound, INCLUDING the 45 minutes hot roast time. I did mine a total of 1 hour and 52 minutes. Temp the bird if you must at this point, 165 in the breast, it'll increase while it rests.TURN the roaster off and leave it closed, leave the bird for 45 to an hour to rest. OR you can take it and out and tent it, resting is key. This makes the best gravy of my life, really intense flavor. IF you remove and tent, be sure to drain of all the juice and make gravy!!! CRAZY delicious, crazy tender, crazy method that should dry the bird out but just doesn't. You need one of these roasters.