Thursday, August 11, 2016

Old school batter biscuits, yeah, there's a serious good thing about me reading these old cookbooks like novels, I discover little tidbits like this! I didn't invent this recipe but I futzed a little bit because, well, we all know I'm incapable of not futzing with a found recipe.

I have about a hundred recipes for biscuits, I'm not kidding you.  I collect recipes and old cook books and read them like novels.  I discover little tidbits like this recipe.  I don't know how old it is but one of the versions of this is in a book from 1948 so your guess is as good as mine.  There are as many current versions of this, I'm sure, online but this is my version.  These biscuits are light and airy and fluffy and occupy that space somewhere between a flaky biscuit, a layered biscuit and a cake, really.

Oh and just a heads up, you going to want to go and make these immediately, trust me on this one.



1/2 cup butter (one stick in the usa)
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 TB sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 TB baking powder

1 3/4 cups milk
2 TB lemon juice

Melt butter in 8x8 dish.  Mix dry ingredients, mix wet ingredients and combine.  Pour into hot butter, spread out and divide if desired.  Bake at 430 for 30 minutes or until browned.  do not over bake


Preheat the oven to 430 and take a 8x8 dish and drop a stick of butter in it, shove it in the oven and set to preheat to 430.  By the time it's heated, the butter is melted :)  See how that works?  Mix the dry in one bowl and the wet in another...
Add the milk mixture to the dry and mix it, trust me, it's supposed to look like that! Pour it into the (warm) buttered dish and smooth it out.  You'll see it's starting to poof, that's ok :)  Smooth it out a bit, the best you can.
Slide your knife down the side to get it buttered and cut it into 9, less is silly :)
Put it into a preheated oven for 20 minutes THEN spin and time for another 5-8, you want them browned and cooked throughout. 
OK, get that corner piece out, oh yeah baby, cut it and slather it with butter and golden syrup or jam or just plain... they're delicious and tender and worth making. 
Just more beauty shots 


  1. I have a recipe similar to wacky cake where you use self-rising flour in the glass dish, make 3 hole, add melted butter to one hole, vinegar to another and mix. It foams up like crazzzzy Let it sit for 2 minutes, pour milk over it and mix again. Bake. Slice. Eat, Eat, Eat. I will have to find it and send it to you. It doesn't stick to the pan, which surprised me. I collect old cookbooks, too. I have a 4-shelf and a 3-shelf bookcase full of old cookbooks. A couple I got from my great-aunt are for cooking on a wood stove! I used to copy recipes and use them when I was a Brownie Leader for the girls. What fun we had.

    1. i have that recipe and use it a lot, i think it's here somewhere too... yeah old books are the BEST!

    2. UPDATE: they came out of the oven a few minutes ago...long enough that half of them are maybe 5 minutes. When I said I forgot the sugar as they were going in the oven, Jeff said, "NO SUGAR??? Don"t they need it?" So I grabbed some and sprinkled over the top of half. WE both agreed that the half with the sugar are the best but the others were delicious without anything on them. I didn't even add butter as they had baked in it. BUT, the homemade strawberry jam I made recently made them even better. Thanks, !

  2. I could not find the recipe you thought is on here but it doesn't matter. I was going to make your Southern Style over the weekend but was out of baking powder and self-rising flour! I stopped at the store today and picked them up but this evening I got a wild hair and these are in the oven. I forgot the sugar, but I have never put sugar in my biscuits. I am sure they will be delicious and they look amazing in the oven. All puffy and beautiful..can't wait to try them.
