I needed a change.
I really like lamb. I don't eat it nearly enough. I think we fall into the chicken, ground beef or pork routine too easily as we're all trying to save on our grocery bills.
I found lamb on sale today and snatched it up. I was going to make a lamb meatball curry with bananas and coconut milk, oh the plans I had. I have changed my mind and now it's lamb meatball/kebab hoagie sandwiches for dinner. These are divine, easy, delicious and have a richness you just don't get from beef or pork.
Here is the list:
1 lb ground lamb
1 thick slice bread
1/4-1/2 cup yogurt (PLAIN!)
salt, pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
a few grates of nutmeg
1/2 onion (grated)
2 large garlic cloves (grated)
1 green onion (chopped)
some cilantro (chopped)
In a bowl, crumble the slice of bread and add the yogurt, mash it around and leave it to rest a few minutes. The bread will absorb the yogurt (I usually do this with milk but wanted the added acidity) and turn to a mash that will combine with the lamb and help keep it tender. After it's sat there for a few minutes, add the rest of the ingredients and mix lightly with a fork.
Cover the mixture with plastic and let it rest for a while. This really does matter, the flavors blend and the yogurt further marinates the meat.

Form the meat into little football shapes! They will lay beautifully in the bread later.

These are the loaves I'm going to fill! They are a simple italian loaf that you'll probably just go and buy, I'm a bit bread obsessive and only eat my own. I will post the recipe when I next make it and pay attention to the measurements. I had to add the beauty shots of the bread, the crumb was perfect, in my humble opinion, and we've eaten most of it now!

Form the meat into little football shapes! They will lay beautifully in the bread later.
These are the loaves I'm going to fill! They are a simple italian loaf that you'll probably just go and buy, I'm a bit bread obsessive and only eat my own. I will post the recipe when I next make it and pay attention to the measurements. I had to add the beauty shots of the bread, the crumb was perfect, in my humble opinion, and we've eaten most of it now!
Make a sauce of yogurt and grated garlic, chopped mint, salt and pepper. Fry the meatballs in olive oil until they are brown and have a lovely crust on them. I did them in two batches, browned them then tossed them on a (grotty old, apparently sorry) sheet pan and put them in a 400 toaster oven for about 15 mins.
Cut the loaf into enormous pieces, slice them open.
slather them with the sauce and crispy romaine leaves, pile the hot meatballs on top.
Take some beauty shots, add a bit more sauce for effect and DEVOUR!
Although the original curry plan went strangely awry, there was sheer delight on the face of my 12 yr old as he devoured, lovingly, the enormous "just sandwiches for dinner" before him.
I think this is a keeper recipe!!
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