There's turkey, I roast it with bacon on it partly for flavor and partly because my mother did and we'd snack on it as the turkey cooked. Cooks treat. There's sage and onion dressing, mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole ala Ivy, roast carrots with tarragon and brown sugar, brussel sprouts with bacon, steamed green beans, the best gravy I ever made.
There's homemade bread to have with dinner or to cut into thick slices to hold more turkey sandwiches.
Lemon cheesecake, pumpkin spice streusel muffins or gingerbread for dessert.
I cook because I love it. I have people I love around me. They will devour a feast it took 2 days to make in 15 minutes, grunt, lay down and sleep without saying a word about the quality or quantity. No ooohs, ahh's, accolades or thanks but they love me and I love them and isn't that what it's really all about.
Happy Thanksgiving.
/cook because you love it
I also cook from scratch and I love sage and onion stuffing. Everyone has a different idea of what stuffing is about. What is yours?