Ok, so am I the only one who wonders what it would taste like to take the lightly fried bananas from the bananas foster I made, lay them down in an egg roll wrapper, drop a few bits of good chocolate bar and a drizzle of the caramel from the "foster", wrap it and then deep fry it. I would think a quick roll in caster sugar might be nice out of the oil...and a drizzle of dark chocolate.

Yeah, this is what I think about.
But I digress, already. I had a hankering for bananas foster the other day thanks to a friend who posted on their Facebook page that they were making it. They didn't make it but I did.
Here's the not so skinny:
2 bananas, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 4 tablepoons of butter (unsalted), salt and a dash of heavy cream. Oh and there's rum, dark rum is my personal favorite here.
Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the brown sugar, boil it for a little bit, until the sugar melts, add your bananas, slicing however you like, long ways or into slices, but not too thin. Toss the bananas in and I add a "glug" of cream to slow it all down. When the bananas are brown on the botton, flip them and pour in a little rum. You can flame it at this point, just be careful. Don't set your house on fire, or you or your kids. You can just let it boil a moment to lose some alcohol or not. This is a fluid process here.
Serve some good ice cream in a big dish and put the bananas on the side, the sauce all over the top. EAT. Repeat.
Save one banana and really, try it in an egg roll wrapper, deep fried and thank me later ;) I think we all know I'm going to make it tomorrow, and yes, I'll share.
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